Major Achievements

  • Life cycle of different parasites viz. Schistosoma nasale, Gastrodiscoides hominis, Gigantocotyle explanatum and Fasciolopsis buski was elucidated.
  • The monumental work on Schistosoma indicum and Orientobilharzia dattai, the blood flukes of domestic animals by Dr. H.D. Srivastava and Dr. S.C. Dutt awarded the prestigious 'Rafi Ahmad Kidwai Memorial Award' in 1964-65.
  • The lung worm vaccine 'Difil' (Dictyocaulus filaria irradiated larva) developed. The vaccine was found helpful in reducing the incidence of lungworms in sheep and goats in the temperate Himalayan region.
  • The technology of “Live attenuated schizont vaccine of Theileria annulata” was released by Technology Release Committee (TRC) of IVRI, Izatnagar.
  • An indirect ELISA was standardized for diagnosis of toxoplasmosis using the cocktail of recombinant SAG-1 and SAG-3 proteins with the sensitivity and specificity of 91.60% and 79.48%, respectively
  • A multiplex PCR assay was developed for accurate diagnosis of four important haemoparasitic diseases of canines, viz., Babesia vogeli, B. gibsoni, Hepatozoon canis and Ehrlichia canis.
  • A nested PCR was developed and laboratory standardised for sensitive detection of Trypanosoma evansi
  • Immunochromatographic test (ICT) was developed and validated for serodiagnosis of canine babesiosis caused by Babesia gibsoni in dogs.
  • Vaccine formulation based on native antigens against Haemonchus contortus was developed.
  • Country specific multiple mechanisms conferring resistance in Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus isolates against synthetic pyrethroid (SP) and organophosphate (OP) compounds established.
  • A reference multi-acaricide resistant tick strain has been characterized and established.
  • IVRI-IV tick line (deltamethrin and cypermethrin resistant) was established and registered in the national registration system (NBAIR-IVRI-BM-4-2009).
  • Tick specific biochemical assay protocol to determine metabolic resistance in ticks was standardized.
  • Protocols for detection of anthelmintic and acaricide resistance have been standatdized and varying degrees of anthelmintic resistance in Haemoncus contortus and acaricide resistance in ticks was reported from different parts of the country.
  • The first generation Anti-tick technology has been transferred to Ajay Biotech India Ltd., Pune for its commercialization.
  • Two anti-tick formulations have been developed, characterized and validated..
  • Microaerophilous stationary phase (MASP) culture technique using Babesia bigemina (Mexican isolate) was successfully adopted and vaccine protocol for laboratory scale was standardized. The immunomodulatory role of Mycobacterium phlei in bovine babesiosis was demonstrated.
  • Diagnostic antigens for early detection of fasciolosis were identified and a dot-ELISA kit having high sensitivity and specificity was developed and evaluated under field conditions.
  • Multiplex PCR and multi-locus sequence based typing of different Trichinella isolates of wild animals revealed prevalence of Trichinella spiralis, T. nelsoni and britovi in big cats of India.
  • Five anti-tick vaccine candidates have been identified by RNAi technology and these are being evaluated as multi antigen vaccine under the experimental challenge condition