Documentation of toxic plants for dairy animals and assessing its socio-economic implications on the livelihood of farmers in Rohikhand region of Uttar Pradesh
Project InvestigatorDr Shruti
Start DateNov-20 CompletionOct-22
Vulnerability and Adaptation strategies of livestock owners to climate in Terai region of Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh.
Project InvestigatorDr Madan Singh
Start DateNov-22 CompletionOct-25
Development and assessment of conversational virtual agents “Chatbots” for improving livestock, pet and poultry health & production.
Project InvestigatorDr Rupasi Tiwari
Start DateSep-22 CompletionAug-25
Enhancing livelihood security of rural youth through livestock based module under Schedule Caste Sub Plan (SCSP).
Project InvestigatorDr B P Singh
Start DateDec-22 CompletionNov-24
GATI Pilot (Gender Advancement for transforming Institutions pilot)-DST funded
Project InvestigatorDr Mahesh Chander
Start DateAug-21 CompletionMar-23
New Extension Methodologies and Approaches (NEMA)
Project InvestigatorDr Mahesh Chander
Start DateMar-19 Completioncontinued