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  • Laboratories Available
    1. Osteology Laboratory
      • Well equipped osteology laboratory with skeleton of domesticated and wild animals and birds and several sets of bones of different species.
    2. Dissection Hall
      • Well furnished, provided with formalin tanks and dissection tables.
      • Samples of visceral organs, head, neck and limbs from all domesticated animals and birds preserved for imparting better understanding
    3. Histology and Embryology Laboratory
      • Microscopic sections of all histological and embryological tissue types from various species are preserved
    4. Museum
      • Unique domestic and wild specimens preserved and displayed
  • Instruments Available
    1. Formalin tanks
    2. Microtome
    3. Hot air oven
    4. Autoclave
    5. Microscopes
    6. Tissue Floatation Bath
    7. Histoembedder
    8. Slide Warming Table
    9. Electronic Balance
    10. pH Meter