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List of Faculty

  • Dr. Amarpal, Principal Scientist and Officer-in-charge
  • Dr. Abhijit M Pawde, Principal Scientist
  • Dr. Abhishek Chandra Saxena, Scientist(SS)
  • Dr. Rohit Kumar, Scientist
  • Dr Swarup Debroy, Assistant Professor
  • Dr Samikshya Sarangi, Assistant Professor


Dr. Swarup Debroy

Dr. Samikshya Sarangi


Assistant Professor

Section of Veterinary anatomy

Assistant Professor

Section of Veterinary anatomy

Educational Qualification

B.V.Sc & A.H



B.V.Sc & A.H

M.V.Sc (Reproductive Anatomy)

Ph.D. (Reproductive Anatomy)

Area of specialization

Veterinary Anatomy

Veterinary Anatomy

Research Publications

1.Sarkar, R., Kalita, A., Choudhary, O. P., Kalita, P. C., Doley, P. J., & Debroy, S. (2022).Observations on the cytomorphology and ultrastructure of the peripheral blood cells ofnative cattle (Zobawng) of Mizoram, India. Microscopy Research and Technique, 85(10),3418-3430. (NAAS- 8.77)

2. Kalita, A., Talukdar, M., Sarma, K., Kalita, P. C., Roychoudhury, P., Kalita, G., ... &Debroy, S. (2021). Small intestinal mucosal cells in piglets fed with probiotic and zinc: aqualitative and quantitative microanatomical study. Folia morphologica, 80(3), 605-617. (Impact Factor: 1.195).

3. Keneisenuo, K., Choudhary, O. P., Kalita, P. C., Duro, S., Kalita, A., Doley, P. J., AryaR.S., Debroy. S. & Priyanka, P. (2022). A comparative study on the morphology,radiography and computed tomography of the skull bones of barking deer (Muntiacus muntjak) and sambar deer (Rusa unicolor). Folia Morphologica, 81(1), 164-174 (Impact Factor: 1.195).

4. Kalita, A., Talukdar, M., Sarma, K., Kalita, P. C., Barman, N. N., Roychoudhury, P.Debroy, S. & Sarkar, R. (2020). Lymphocyte subsets in the small intestine of piglets fedwith probiotic and zinc: a qualitative and quantitative micro-anatomical study. FoliaMorphologica. (Impact Factor: 1.195).

5. Debroy, S., Kalita, P. C., Kalita, A., Choudhary, O. P., Doley, P. J., Paul, A., & Sarkar, R.Anatomy of the Liver of Mizoram Local Pig (Zovawk). Indian Journal of Animal Research, 1, 7. (NAAS- 6.44).

6. Kalita, P.C. and Debroy, S. Morphological and morphometric studies on the scapula andhumerus of Binturong (Arctictis Binturong). Indian J Clin Anat Physiol 2021;8(4):260-263. (Impact Factor- 0.18).

7. Kalita, P. C., Kalita, A., Choudhary, O. P., Doley, P. J., Debroy, S., & Sarkar, R. Gross Morphological and Light Microscopic Studies of the Spleen of Malayan Sun Bear(Helarctos malayanus). Indian Journal of Animal Research, 1, 3. (NAAS- 6.44).

8. Kalita, A., Talukdar, M., Sarma, K., Kalita, P. C., Gali, J. M., Tamuli, S., ... & Debroy, S. (2021). Impact of Probiotic and Zinc on Brush-border Enzyme and Histoenzymatic Profile in the Small Intestine of Pre and Postweaned Piglets. Indian Journal of AnimalResearch, 55(10), 1192-1199. (NAAS- 6.44).

9.Debroy, S.,Kalita, P. C., Singh, T. S., Choudhary, O. P., Kalita, A., & Doley, P. J. (2019).Morphological and applied anatomical studies on the head region of Malayan sun bear (Helarctos malayanus). Journal of Animal Research, 9(5), 753-758. (NAAS- 6.44).

10. Kalita, P. C., Kalita, A., Choudhary, O. P., Doley, P. J., Debroy, S., & Sarkar, R. GrossMorphological and Light Microscopic Studies of the Spleen of Malayan Sun Bear

(Helarctos malayanus). Indian Journal of Animal Research, 1, 3. (NAAS- 6.44).

1. Sarangi, S., Gupta, A., Bansal, N., Uppal, V. (2018). Morpho-Histological Changes in Vesicular Gland During Prepubertal and Pubertal Period of Buffalo Bull. Indian Journal of Veterinary Anatomy, 30(2), 129-130. (NAAS – 4.86)

2. Sarangi, S., Gupta, A., Bansal, N., & Uppal, V. (2019). Seasonal variations in enzyme histochemistry of accessory sex glands in buffalo bull. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 53(10), 1329-1334. (NAAS - 6.44)

3. Sarangi, S., Gupta, A., Bansal, N., & Uppal, V. (2020). Seasonal variations in histomorphology and histochemistry of the prostate gland ofbuffalo bulls. Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, 44(1), 26-34. (NAAS -6.58, Impact Factor – 0.597)

4. Sarangi, S., Gupta, A., Bansal, N., & Uppal, V. (2021). Seasonal variations in histomorphology and histochemistry of vesicular gland of buffalo bull. The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences, 91(11). (NAAS – 6.32)

5. Sarangi, S., Gupta, A., Bansal, N., & Uppal, V. (2020). Seasonal variations in gross and biometry of accessory sex glands of buffalo bull. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 54(10), 1251-1259. (NAAS – 6.44)

6. Bansal, N., Gupta, A., Uppal, V., Pathak, D., & Sarangi, S. (2021). Histomorphochemical Studies on Ampullary Glands of Buffalo Bull. Indian Journal of Veterinary Anatomy, 33(1), 50-52. (NAAS – 4.86)

Books/ Manuals/ Popular Articles

Kalita, P. C., Debroy, S., Choudhary, O. P., & Das, H. (2016). Nanotechnology-itsapplication in veterinary science. Life sciences leaflets, 82, 72.

Manual of Introductory Anatomy, Forelimb, Head and Neck.  Swarup Debroy. Indian Veterinary Research Institute/ 2022

Anatomy of Thorax, Abdomen and Hindlimb. Samikshya Sarangi and Swarup Debroy. Indian Veterinary Research Institute/ 2022

Manual of Histology and Embryology. Swarup Debroy and Samikshya Sarangi. Indian Veterinary Research Institute/ 2022

Book : Veterinary parasitic zoonotic diseases, 2022. Volume – 1, Scripown Publications, North West Delhi, Delhi, 110086, India.


African Trypanosomiasis and Cutaneous Leishmaniasis. Dr. Swarup Debroy, Dr. BabulRudra Paul, Dr. Supritam Das and Dr. Santosh. Pp: 01-15.

Amebiasis and Giardiasis. Dr. Babul Rudra Paul, Dr. Supritam Das, Dr. Swarup Debroyand Dr. Dhanu Kumar Murasing. Pp: 16-28.

Ascariasis and Zoonotic Ancylostomiasis. Dr. Supritam Das, Dr. Swarup Debroy, Dr.Babul Rudra Paul and Dr. Babita Kumari. Pp: 29-41.

Cercarial Dermatitis and Schistosomiasis. Dr. Namrata Vidyadhar Patil, Dr. Anuj Singh,Dr. Swarup Debroy and Dr. Supritam Das. Pp: 42-54.

Functional Anatomy of udder in Various species of animals.Sarangi S. and Bansal N.Vet Alumnus, vol. 42 (1 &2) June & December 2020

General Veterinary Anatomy. Samikshya Sarangi, Thokchom Shitarjit, Pushpendra Rawat. Sanskaram Veterinary College/ 2022

Anatomy of Forelimb. Samikshya Sarangi, Thokchom Shitarjit, Pushpendra Rawat. Sanskaram Veterinary College/ 2022

Anatomy of Thorax, Abdomen and Hindlimb. Samikshya Sarangi and Swarup Debroy. Indian Veterinary Research Institute/ 2022

Manual of Histology and Embryology. Swarup Debroy and Samikshya Sarangi. Indian Veterinary Research Institute/ 2022

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Director, IVRI Izatnagar Director, IVRI Izatnagar