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Major Achievements

Salient Achievements

  • The Communication Centre created during the year 1986 has contributed significant role independently in providing better and effective services in the area of publication, binding and Press & Media.
  • The Publication & Information Section under Communication Centre has done excellent job in updating Institute’s publications.
  • Institute’s regular publications like IVRI Annual Report, IVRI Newsletter, KVK Newsletter (Gyan Vigyan), ATIC Magazine (Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan), Post-graduate information bulletin of IVRI Deemed University and extension leaflets for the use of farmers are also being published regularly and timely.
  • The Centre has developed a Publication cell for sale of priced publication to generate revenue for the Institute.
  • The Centre is providing services to the PG students of IVRI Deemed University in their research work.
  • The Centre is also imparting services to various scientific societies existing at this Institute in publication of their material and better clientele services in wide coverage of their activities.
  • During last five years (2009-10 to 2013-14), the Centre has made significant contributions in the field of publication and has updated all divisional scientific reports, annual reports, research monographs, bulletins, hand books, Deemed University information bulletins, etc.
S.No. Services provided 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
1. Photography jobs. Digital expos. 229 28450 245 25000 240 35000 185 45,000 237 55,000
2. Art & Graphical works 1912 2200 3000 2106 2207
3. Publication jobs 135 165 190 114 203
4. Reprography jobs 89,000 78,000 90,750 86,700 1,12,000
5. Press & Media 180 209 301 195 155
6. Printing Jobs 2,11,500 1,43,250 1,90,500 2,07,245 1,74,900
7. Binding Jobs 38,000 45,000 47,980 40,000 29,735
8. Time bound Advts. 168 109 240 189 168
9. Resource generated Rs. 52,663 Rs. 33,813 Rs. 38,990 Rs. 42,998 Rs. 22,385