Major Achievements

  • During the last decade (2010 to 2020) , 103 training programmes were organized with the participation of 2027 veterinary officers, extension functionaries, farmers, farm women etc.
  • A total of 256 no. of Institute’s exhibition were put up in different part of country
  • A total of 42 Interface meet were organized in collaboration with different state department of animal husbandry, NGOs, KVKs, ICAR Institutes, SAU, Milk cooperatives & industry with the participation of 3769 veterinary officers, KVK SMS, researchers, academicians, NGO &Milk cooperative personnel and farmers.
  • A total of 305 Animal Health Camps were organized with the help of line departments and 13054 numbers of cases were attended.
  • A total of 265 Kisan Goshthis were organized.
  • A total of 278 Radio talks and 100 TV talks were delivered in association with AIR Bareilly, AIR Rampur and different TV channels respectively.
  • A total of 5385 teleconsultancies were provided to the farmers & other stakeholders through the Kisan Call Centre & IVRI Helpline.
  • Further, a total of, 29618 numbers of teleconsultancies (KCC, helpline and through mobiles) were provided to the clientele during the decade.
  • Total 11 farmers fair were organized by IVRI including regional stations.
  • A total of 722 educational exposure visits were organized wherein a total of 65201 visitors visited the institute in last 10 years.
  • A total of 664 extension programmes were organized under the TSP programme of the institute operational at its various campus and regional stations benefitting a total of 11006 tribal farm families.
  • A total of 19 extension programmes were organized under the NEH programme of the institute benefitting a total of 1707 tribal farm families.
  • A total of 2962 farmers and other stakeholder were provided personal consultancy through ATIC
  • A total of 810 extension programmes were organized under the MGMG programme of the institute , including 887 advisories benefitting a total of 14561 families of Bareilly district.
  • The institute has developed a total of 16 mobile apps, 22 educational videos, 8 educational softwares & 5 e-books which are being accessed by various stakeholders.
  • The institute ATIC has generated a revenue of Rs 2,91,62,753.0 through the sales of various technology products and services benefitting a total of 1,20,985 farmers and other clientele inlcuidng individuals and organizations.