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Message from Joint Director (EE)

Joint Directorate of Extension Education

The Joint Directorate of Extension Education, at ICAR-IVRI was established way back in the year 1986 to pass on the collective research outputs and technologies from the institute to the farmers, field veterinarians, academicians, researchers, subject matter specialists and other stakeholders involved in animal production, livestock keeping and other such services & activities. Agricultural extension in India, which is largely tied to the seasonal nature of cropping, cannot support the needs of livestock production due to its longer time-scale and a lack of synchronisation of different animals and herds. In contrast to crops, livestock extension has to cater for wider inter-household differences in husbandry systems and relative resource endowments, even within small areas. Livestock production is a highly specialised sector with a significant contribution to the country’s economy and warrant a separate structure integrated with other forms of agricultural production. Livestock extension services include both livestock production and health issues. It can be achieved by three linked but distinguishable imperatives i.e. participatory needs assessment, responsiveness to inter-household variation, and ability to address information needs as they arise, not as determined by a calendar. It also requires improved extension-research linkages. There are few examples of animal health services successfully delivering production information to livestock farmers, other than information linked specifically to material inputs such as drugs, vaccines or semen. Disease prevention through vaccination campaigns, reduction of mortality and morbidity losses, and meat hygiene will always remain priorities. However, prevailing conditions of animal health staff are not conducive to regular mass extension, as animal health services are usually focused to clinics to which farmers bring their animals or on call-outs to individual animals. In the line, the primary concern of the Joint Directorate of Extension Education lies with transferring the useful animal husbandry technologies and innovations at ICAR-IVRI to all the stakeholders through its constituent outfits like Krishi Vigyan Kendra, ATIC and the Division of Extension Education with a scope to fetch compelling research inputs from the field. There is need for independent livestock health and production information dissemination system to widely scattered producers with participatory forms of needs assessment and technology development using innovative media to transmit extension messages. Together, it creatively addresses issues and look for innovative approaches to meet the needs of all its mandates. The website will give updated information about researchers, on-going research & service projects and glimpse of achievements. It also contains information about assistance of technical, administrative and supporting staff who contribute equally in transfer of various technologies through the out-reach extension programs for the overall development of millions of livestock owners and other befitting stake holders. On behalf of our entire staff and on my personal behalf, it is a pleasure to welcome you to the webpage of Joint Directorate of Extension Education.

Dr. Rupasi Tiwari

Joint Director (Extension Education)