IVRI Izatnagar

Welcome to IVRI- पशु विज्ञान Incubator

“Steering Entrepreneurship & Startup Development in Animal Science.”

‘IVRI- पशु विज्ञान Incubator’ is mandated to create an ecosystem for Entrepreneurship Development and Startups in different/ diverse areas of Animal Science. It started with organizing Entrepreneurship Development Training Programme (EDPs), to setting up the incubation facilities along with the mentorship support. The entrepreneurs that struggle with lack of access to resources, technologies, and expertise and market information are linked to the respective stakeholders through different programmes. IVRI पशु विज्ञान Incubator has been involved in formulating customized programs and services to bolster agribusinesses and enhancing partnerships through entrepreneurship development, innovation and value addition as per need which helps to open up opportunities for entrepreneurs/ startups to take their products and technologies to global markets. The incubator is conducting a series of “Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP)” with the support of competent faculties of the Institute and other stakeholders. Entrepreneurs from PAN India are trained on various aspects of Pig Farming; Quality meat production, Processing and Value Addition; Frozen Semen Production; Dairy Farming & Milk Processing etc.

About R-ABI

R-ABI at ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute came into existence in 2019 under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana-Remunerative Approaches for Agriculture and Allied Sector Rejuvenation (RKVY-RAFTAAR) Scheme of Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare to create innovators in the Animal Science Sector. The R-ABI is organizing workshops, trainings, provide networking and mentorship support to its incubates to further refine their ideas and prototypes that could enhance productivity or increase efficiency in agriculture and allied activities, enhance remuneration/ farmers’ incomes, rural economy and wealth. The centre provides facilitation support for aggregation and networking of various stakeholders including innovators, agripreneurs, investors, mentors and other institutions / bodies. The Centre also supports budding entrepreneurs in getting their companies registered and facilitate in getting their patents registered/ licenses at competitive price range. The prime objective of the R-ABI is to create an ecosystem which is conducive for the growth of the entrepreneurs/ Startups and help them explore various avenues related to their field for their upscaling. The Centre through its two programmes “NAVODAYA- Agripreneurship Orientation Programme” and SAMRIDDHI- Agripreneurship Incubation Programme” is providing funding support in the form of Grant-in-aid for upto INR 5 Lakhs and INR 25 Lakhs.


Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana- Remunerative Approaches For Agriculture and Allied Sector Rejuvenation (RKVY-RAFTAAR) is an initiative of Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers' Welfare, Govt. of India to give thrust to agripreneurship and startups. In a broader way the scheme is implemented with the objectives of making farming a remunerative economic activity through strengthening the farmers efforts, risk mitigation and promoting innovation.

The ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute through its IVRI-पशु विज्ञान Incubator, which is India's premier Animal Science incubator for development of startups is implementing the two programmes "NAVODAYA" (Agripreneurship Orientation Programme) and "SAMRIDDHI" (Agripreneurship Incubation Programme) under RKVY-RAFTAAR Agri Business Incubation scheme.

Agripreneurship Orientation Programme


Ideate- Innovate- Validate- Replicate


Upto Rs.5 Lakhs

[ Applications opened Last date extended to – 20th January 2025 ]

Agripreneurship Incubation Programme

A launch pad for animal science based start-ups


Upto Rs.25 Lakhs

[Applications opened Last date extended to – 20th January 2025]



  • 7th Cohort Applications opened Applications will close on 20th January 2025


  • 7th Cohort Applications opened Applications will close on 20th January 2025

IVRI Izatnagar