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Animal house

The animal houses of the institute comprise various well managed animal farms namely cattle and buffalo farm, sheep and goat farm, swine production farm and laboratory animal resource (LAR) section. Animal farms in the institute are contributing to resource development by generating and supplying elite germplasm of livestock species to the farmers and livestock entrepreneurs and providing animals as a research material for undertaking problem solving research at the institute. These farms are also producing research byproducts in the form of milk and milk products and meat and thus contribute to revenue generation.

Cattle and buffalo farm

Catle and Buffalo Farm, ICAR-IVRI

Catle and Buffalo Farm, ICAR-IVRI

Adult Murrah buffalo shed at Catle and Buffalo Farm, ICAR-IVRI

Murrah buffalo shed, C & B Farm, ICAR-IVRI

  • The cattle and buffalo farm of Livestock Production and Management section have more than 1080 cow and buffalo population involving various breeds namely Vrindavani, Tharparker and Sahiwal cows and Murrah buffalo.
    Image 1
    Tharparkar cow shed building showing covered and open space at Catle and Buffalo Farm, ICAR-IVR
  • There are total 16 number of animal sheds/structures namely calf shed (1), bull shed (1), calving shed (2), dry cow shed (3), artificial insemination shed (1), sick animal shed (1), veterinary dispensary unit (1), wheat straw godown (2), tractor shed (1), workshop (1), chopping yard (1) and a cycle stand (1).
  • Animal sheds are corrugated cement sheet roof type with loose housing system having standing area (Pakka type) and open area (Brick on edge type).
  • Animal sheds are equipped with cooling system having sprinklers/foggers.
  • Roads in the farm are CC type. The premises is having LED sets for lighting. There is an underground drainage system. Beside this there is an office building having four rooms.
  • The animal sheds have been built in east-west orientation.
  • The farm has a one wallowing tank, one dairy wastewater pumping system and a milking barn.
  • The farm is equipped with four weighing bridges, three travis for animal restraining, and vehicles that includes four tractors and seven trolleys.
  • There is an overhead tank for all time water supply. Individual shed is having hose pipe facility for washing and other water use provision. Farm is also having four small submersible pumps for water supply.
  • There is appropriate covered and open space in each animal shed as per the standard space requirement for various categories of the animals.
  • The cattle and buffalo farm have double gated entry along with biosafety arrangements like dips and foot bath.
  • A vehicle parking is available before the entry gate. Whole premises of the farm is having electricity supply with the provision of streetlights all over the farm.
Murrah Buffalo Shed, ICAR-IVRI

Murrah buffalo shed building at Catle and Buffalo Farm, ICAR-IVRI

Sahiwal cow shed building at Catle and Buffalo Farm, ICAR-IVRI

Sahiwal cow shed building at Catle and Buffalo Farm, ICAR-IVRI

Sheep and goat farm

Sheep and goat farm premises at ICAR-IVRI

Sheep and goat farm premises at ICAR-IVRI

Goat shed of sheep and goat farm at ICAR-IVRI

Goat shed of sheep and goat farm at ICAR-IVRI

Sheep and goat farm premises at ICAR-IVRI

Sheep and goat farm premises at ICAR-IVRI

  • The sheep and goat farm has total 16 sheds out of which 12 are open sheds and 4 are closed sheds.
  • Rohilkhandi goat (185) and Muzzafarnagari sheep (66) breeds are maintained at the farm.
  • There are other six rooms that include three office rooms, one store room and one labour room and one room for wheat bhoosa storage.

Swine Production farm

Swine production farm at ICAR-IVRI

Swine production farm at ICAR-IVRI

Premises of swine produc�on farm at ICAR-IVRI

Premises of swine production farm, ICAR-IVRI

  • Swine production farm (SPF) of the institute is holding around 156 pigs of various breeds including Landrace, Gurrah, Large White Yorkshire and Landly.
  • Research facilities and infrastructure available at SPF includes one farrowing shed, one experimental animal shed, two grower/finisher sheds, two weaner sheds, one boar shed, one animal weighing facility, one feed godown and three open paddocks.
  • The SPF also have an Artificial Insemination Lab equipped with centrifuge, water bath, distillation plant and hot air oven.
  • The SPF have one office room for In-Charge of the farm, one room for office staff and office work and one laborer room.
  • All the animal sheds have standard space required for respective category of pigs, provision of water supply and feeding mangers.
  • Sheds are concrete cement constructed in east-west orientation.
  • There is an ample space around the buildings/sheds with roads and electricity provision. There are street trees and garden space in the premises. The SPF have facility of vehicle parking at the entry.

Swine Production farm

Entrance and road approaching to the Laboratory Animal Resource sec�on of ICAR-IVRI

Entrance and road approaching to the Laboratory Animal Resource sec�on of ICAR-IVRI

Rat and mice colony facility of laboratory animal resource section at ICAR-IVRI

Rat and mice colony facility of laboratory animal resource section at ICAR-IVRI

  • Guinea pig and rabbit colony facility of laboratory animal resource section at ICAR-IVRI
    Guinea pig and rabbit colony facility of laboratory animal resource section at ICAR-IVRI
    The Laboratory Animal Resource (LAR) section is among one of the important animal houses of the institute. The LAR section caters need for various laboratory animals for research purpose of the scientist of various divisions of the institute as well as this section earns revenue by supply of laboratory animals to outside institutes/organization as per their requirement requests.
  • Currently LAR is producing mice, rat, guinea pig and rabbits. The annual production capacity of LAR is about 6000 animals per year including all above mentioned species.
  • The LAR building comprises two wings with a corridor in between. Each wing has ten rooms including breeding rooms, weaned animals room, etc.
  • All the animal rooms in both the wings have 24-hour power supply including generator facility, exhaust facility and heating and cooling facility with air- conditioners and/or cooler and heaters.
  • The premises in this section are monitored by CCTV cameras.
  • The LAR section premises have a gated entrance, proper road, ramp, beautiful lawn area and provision for parking of vehicles.
  • The section has office building with an In-Charge room, staff room, visitor room and storage room for storing concentrate feeds for animals.