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Details of Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex

  • The Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex (TVCC) of the institute is serving the society by providing animal health, therapeutic, diagnostic, and consultancy services to the farmers, animal owners, animal husbandry departments, forest departments, and other government agencies of the country, military and paramilitary establishments, and NGOs besides providing capacity building facilities for the veterinary students at the university. It provides 24/7 emergency animal health services. The TVCC at ICAR-IVRI includes old TVCC and newly constructed Veterinary Clinical Complex (VCC) and Referral Veterinary Polyclinic (RVP) facility.
  • TVCC has laboratories, a courtyard, a waiting room, a seminar room, lavatories, and Outpatient Departments [OPD-1 (Gynaecology and obstetrics), OPD-2 (Surgery), OPD-3 (Medicine)] with appropriate large and small animal treatment areas and animal restraining facilities (travis).
  • TVCC has a registration room and suitable parking space. TVCC has indoor facilities for small and large animals separately.
  • The labs and facilities in TVCC include a clinical diagnosis lab, modular small operation theatre, large animal operation theatre, minor operation theatre, small ruminant surgery facility, obstetrical unit, hemodialysis unit, ultrasonography unit, ophthalmic surgery unit, dental surgery unit, radiography unit, fluoroscopy unit, laparoscopy unit, and physiotherapy unit.
  • A newly constructed Veterinary Clinical Complex has state-of-the-art infrastructure with a spacious entry gate, office room, In-Charge room, reception desk, waiting space with seating arrangements, diagnostic laboratories, Intensive Care Unit for sick animals, dispensary, obstetrical room, surgical units 1 and 2, orthopedic workshop, endoscopy room, sterilization room, cell and bone marrow therapy room, and recovery room.
  • At the entry gate, there is a spacious lawn and porch, and ramp facility.
  • The referral veterinary polyclinic (RVP) at ICAR-IVRI has earned a reputation for its sophisticated facilities and super-specialized therapeutic services for the management of hepato-biliary disorders, skin affections, diabetes, management of fractures and other musculoskeletal conditions, urolithiasis, dystocia, infertility, ophthalmic conditions, dental problems, cancer diagnosis and treatment, and stem cell therapy for spinal problems, arthritis, etc. in various classes of animals. The major diagnostic and treatment facilities available in RVP include radiography, ultrasonography, clinical biochemistry and hematology, and blood, urine, and fecal examination, endoscopy, laparoscopy, image intensifier, echocardiography, haemodialysis, modular operation theatre, obstetrical services, animal lifting facility, indoor facilities for large and small animals, etc. Besides this, prophylactic services like vaccination, and deworming are also provided. 24/7 emergency service for critically ill patients is also available.


Veterinary clinical complex building
Veterinary clinical complex building
Ultrasonography unit of TVCC
Ultrasonography unit of TVCC
Small ruminant surgery facility
Small ruminant surgery facility
Small animal surgery unit
Small animal surgery unit
Small animal indoor wards
Small animal indoor wards
Radiography unit
Radiography unit
Physiotherapy unit
Physiotherapy unit
X-ray laboratory facility
X-ray laboratory facility
X-ray laboratory
X-ray laboratory
Ophthalmic surgery unit
Ophthalmic surgery unit
Small animal ophthalmic Unit
Small animal ophthalmic Unit
Outpatient department-3 (OPD-3, Medicine) facility
Outpatient department-3 (OPD-3, Medicine) facility
Outpatient department-2 (OPD-2, Surgery) facility
Outpatient department-2 (OPD-2, Surgery) facility
Outpatient department-1 (OPD-1, VGO) facility
Outpatient department-1 (OPD-1, VGO) facility
Obstetrical unit
Obstetrical unit
Obstetrical room
Obstetrical room
Modular operation theatre for small animals
Modular operation theatre for small animals
Surgical unit-2
Surgical unit-2
Modular large animal operation theatre
Modular large animal operation theatre
Modular large animal operation theatre
Modular large animal operation theatre
Large animal operation theatre
Large animal operation theatre
Large animal indoor ward
Large animal indoor ward
Laparoscopy unit
Laparoscopy unit
Endoscopy room
Endoscopy room
Endoscopy Unit
Endoscopy Unit
Electrocardiography facility
Electrocardiography facility
Dental surgery unit
Dental surgery unit
Dental surgery unit
Dental surgery unit
Clinical diagnosis lab
Clinical diagnosis lab
Clinical diagnosis lab building
Clinical diagnosis lab building
Clinical conference room
Clinical conference room