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Aims and Objectives

  1. To act as liaison between the Alma Mater, the Indian Veterinary Research Institute and its Alumni, in order to maintain perpetual link and emotional attachment with Alma Mater, and to foster professional fraternity, cooperation and goodwill among Alumni.
  2. To improve and safeguard the professional and personal interests and prestige.
  3. To prepare and keep in order, an authentic record of old students/scientists with their qualifications, careers and addresses and any other matter relating to them for the mutual knowledge, contact and inspiration of the Alumni.
  4. To guide the needy members of the Association who are desirous for bettering their career and professional qualifications/training through coordinated efforts of the Association.
  5. To create public interest in science by organizing popular scientific talks and diffusing basic and applied scientific knowledge.
  6. To participate or undertake all or any such other activities as may be conducive to the furtherance of and relevant to the objectives of the Association.
  7. To publish a Bulletin of Alumni Association.
  8. To arrange get together of Alumni.
  9. To participate with other Alumni Associations wherever necessary.
  10. To help Alumni in their employment by arranging placement meeting