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About Centre


Fast and efficient dissemination of suitable technological information from the Agricultural Research System to the Farmers in the field and reporting of farmers' feedback to the research system is one of the critical inputs in Transfer of Technology. Today India is at the verge of technology revolution with immense number of agriculture and livestock technologies developed by the research institutes to enhance the agriculture and livestock production. These technologies have changed the total production of agricultural commodities in the country. To further enhance the income potential of the existing agriculture and livestock enterprises and to establish new livestock enterprises information and inputs need to flow in a timely and regular manner from the research institutes to the end users. The importance of appropriate information package and its dissemination as an input has assumed added emphasis in this “information age”. The kind of information and the way it is to be used are critical factor to the growth of livestock sector. It is also worth noting that it is no longer enough for research institutes to generate information alone. The required information is also to be delivered to the end user at one place. This information must be direct, clear and easily understandable and without any room for distortion. There is a greater need for coordination between researchers and technology users. A higher degree of integration needs to be achieved by having a formal management mechanism linking scientists or department in charges of different disciplines (though engaged in interdependent tasks) on the one hand to the technology users on the other. The linkage mechanism has to be with formal, permanent, mandated, facilitated and designated function.

With the above objectives in focus the Agricultural Technology Information Centres have been established in the country in the Important ICAR institutes and State Agriculture Universities. At present more than 40 ATIC’s are working in the country with the major focus of dissemination of research information directly to the end users. The ATIC’s are to act as a single window delivery system for services and products of research for the areas in which the concerned institute is involved. Often the farmers visiting the research institutes are not aware as to whom and where to approach for field problems. It is felt that the facility of a ‘single window’ approach at the entrance of the ICAR Institute/ State Agricultural Universities will enable the farmers to have the required information for the solution to their problems related to the areas in which the concerned institute is involved.
